There are six conditions of Salaah. If these conditions are not found YOUR SALAAH IS NOT FULFILLED.
1. Tahaarat
2. Satr-e-Aurat
3. Waqt
4. Istiqbaal-e-Qiblah
5. Niyaah
6. Takbeer-Tahreemah
1. Tahaarat-Cleanliness of the body, place and clothes.
2. Satr-e-Aurat- Covering of the body,
3. Waqt- Time for Salaah, meaning that Salaah should be performed at it’s correct times
4. Istiqbaal-e-Qiblah- Meaning facing the Qiblah.
5. Niyaat- Intention for Salaah doesn’t necessarily have to be said, but if you say it, it is better.
6. Takbeer-Tahreemah- Takbeer Tahreemah is the first Takbeer and it is a condition for Salaah to take place.